Friday, December 4, 2009

Tea Parties or Revival Movement?

This year 2009 has sparked undoubtedly an introspective mood within the hearts and minds of many Americans—a passion and sentiment that has occurred only a few times since our nation’s founding. The organizing and fervent emotion that stems not from the urgings of manipulative artists who are able to control the individual’s mood and direct them to do this or say that, but an passion that flows from the reality that one’s freedom and ability to maintain those unalienable right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness is being threatened! Apparently, only when a people begin to feel a national threat does national anxiety begin to appear. A sense that something is wrong with the direction America is now going because it is not the direction towards forming a “more perfect union” as we have been taught was good, but totally foreign in basic concept and ultimately evil!

No movement has shown as much passion as the thousands of tea parties held across the nation—individual communities, yet bound together with a fervent devotion to God, country and family—each of the many thousands of attendants holding the deeply-held commitment to finally stand and be counted for something greater than themselves. Frankly speaking, this movement bears many of the attributes of a great Christian revival of past periods of U.S. and world history so often written about by today’s theologians and the resurgence of basic Christian principles we pray for today!

There is an undeniable fact that those who truly understand and appreciate America’s founding and the sacrifices of the millions for its birth and then its very struggle to survive, are waking up to a great reality, and that reality is that our generation of freedom-loving and peaceful people is being challenged like never before, because those principles that many of our veteran soldiers went across the oceans to resist in order to prevent them from coming here have arrived, and now have taken control of our own places of power. We who had fallen asleep, and had forgotten that freedom is not free are now awakening!

Those powers that have now manifested are not interested in the truths that are still self-evident: “all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness …,” but are boldly unabashingly forging ahead to remake America in the image of their own gods. Darwin, Marx, Stalin, Lenin and Mao, are the men they worship. Gramschi, Alinsky, DuBois and have replaced Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, while Castro, Mugabe, Ortega, Chavez and Obama preach the religion of government power and human dependency upon it. In contrast to this, we recognize that this Creator is God. Our inspiration of the Holy Bible and no other. Those beliefs that over 90,000 American soldiers died fighting against in Korea and Viet Nam as well as untold numbers of people around the world were slaughtered by have now captured and taken over the last center for the world’s hope for freedom—the United States government.

We did not fall neither under the power of the Soviet military might, nor the menacing million-man army of the Chinese, but we succumbed to the one thing founding father Thomas Jefferson feared would happen to us—ignorance! Jefferson believed that in order to prevent America from being conquered by foreign enemies, it had to be a nation of educated people who knew the word of God. Neither Jefferson nor any of the founding fathers anticipated America becoming a nation of Biblically-illiterate people! We have come to this point in our history because of our own moral failures to truly stand up and actually be one nation under God primarily because the vast majority of our Christian leaders have cowered in their offices and become timid in their pulpits!
We only find a very shallow remnant of what was once a great fire that served as the core of America’s struggle for freedom—the church and the preacher! Where are they today? If the Declaration of Independence is explicit enough to correctly tie the only source of our very freedom and humanity to a Supreme Being— a Sovereign Ruler—then where are the men who are yet willing to carry that message forward to remind and teach the true meaning of this great document? Is government still the servant of God, who once appointed kings but has now given us the responsibility of stewardship to elect Presidents who represent His kingdom here on earth?

So, as a start, a good question has to be, “Where are the Christian leaders today, especially the pastors?” Has the revival started without them? Much of what has gone wrong with America is not attributable to the invasion of foreign powers, but a crumbling of our moral and spiritual infrastructure within! As the nation stands on the brink of plunging into a world of socialist utopianism (a perfect world without God), many of our Christian leaders and personalities continue with programs and agendas as if there are no threats to our future!

Have we become too busy tending the buildings and the programs while the very soil beneath our feet is about to be taxed from under us? Are we afraid to become involved because it may jeopardize the 501(c)(3) status? One pastor replied that his congregation is comprised of both democrats and republicans, so it was his duty to remain neutral in the political arena. Since when did it become the pastor’s responsibility to keep the peace within the church at the expense of the truth in God’s word? The issues should never be interpreted to be acceptable within the ideologies of neither the democrat nor republican, but rather whether the church is addressing the matter of good versus evil! To the credit of many, there are pastors and Christian leaders who are addressing these issues, and leading the cause to remind Americans that without we are a Christian nation, even in spite of President Obama’s declaration that we are “no longer…”

The institutionalized pastor and the domesticated preacher may place their limited focus on protecting their positions and dominions, but God bless those who, like the original founding fathers of this nation, have committed the moral equivalent of pledging their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor for America’s salvation. As the mega churches pack the pews and the people sing and dance with joy, may the grass root revival begin, challenging those who place their hands on the Bible and swear to protect and defend the U.S. Constitution from enemies both foreign and domestic, so help them God! As the churches embrace the gospel of tolerance, may the sword of the spirit do its duty to separate! As the pastors declare that there are other ways to heaven, let the average citizen stand up and declare that Jesus is the King of Kings, and Lord of Lords! As the preachers lay prostrate at the steps of Washington D.C. and sell their souls to the government beast in the name of the social gospel, may the common man be spiritually rejuvenated in the new declaration of independence—that we still are one nation under God—and no one else. So let revival come, regardless of whether the church wants to get involved!

Friday, August 7, 2009

Its Time for the Church to Take Back the Civil Rights Mantle!

It is becoming more apparent that the day that James Earl Ray’s bullet pierced the life of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, it also took away the purity of the civil rights movement. It was a time that was led by divine righteousness and morality—an internal drive equal to the inner-human urge for freedom once held by the Founding Fathers as they penned the U.S. Declaration of Independence…

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness…

Quite often, Dr. King referred to this powerful and soul-stirring phrase. The most direct and effective way for one to actually dispute it would be to deny those rights by denying the existence of a Creator, and very few at this point would publicly pronounce such an argument. Dr. Martin Luther King’s own personal strength, drive and legitimacy was based in his faith in his God, and the mission he believed he was called to. Unfortunately, along with Dr. King’s departure also went the spirit of righteousness that assured millions of down-trodden blacks that God was with them even though, as with Dr. King stated, they themselves would probably neither see nor experience the blessings and benefits of freedom the overwhelming majority of us take for granted today!

In many of our congregations today, God is an afterthought, Jesus is a heroic radical left-wing extremist and the prevailing spirit stokes flames of revenge, envy and counter-hatred. The true and real essence of the struggle for human rights in America was changed with Dr. King’s death. As he breathed his last breath, the opportunists raced in to claim a part of him, to smear themselves with his blood, to claim their closeness to and likeness with him, to stand in his shadow long enough to emerge as a legitimate heir to his legacy.

This noble quest has, on the other hand, become less than what it used to be because it is no longer the black church that drives the cause. The civil rights movement’s home is no longer the church with its fiery pulpits and Christ- centered preachers. It now hides and incubates in academia. The gospel preached by the civil rights movement of today is no longer formulated through Holy Scriptures, but comes from the thinking of the intellectuals as illustrated through the most recent ordeal between distinguished Harvard professor Henry Gates and Cambridge police sergeant James Crowley. In fact, when you examine the Who’s Who of today’s civil rights movement, you will discover that an overwhelmingly-vast number of the leadership comes from the Marxist-Leninist ideology.

Professor Gates is currently serving as the director of the W. E. B. Du Bois Institute for African and African-American Research is located at Harvard University, but exactly what does this represent? Within the African American community and the world of academia, Dr. W.E.B. Dubois is a highly-respected and widely-revered intellectual. Above anyone else, he is credited with having exerted more influence upon the formation of the African American community and culture than anyone else! Although much fan fare is given to the positive contributions of Dubois, very little attention is given to his ideology.

Dr. W.E.B. Dubois was an avowed communist. A firm believer in communist and totalitarian systems, Dubois was not clandestine in his infatuations. On page 192 of the book W.E. B. Du Bois by Francis L. Broderick, it is noted…

“He [Dubois] deeply admired the efficient totalitarian planning of German industry— “a splendid accomplishment” —and the national control of German capital, and he welcomed the new German state as the greatest exemplar of Marxian socialism outside Russia …” If it had not been for Adolf Hitler’s view of race, NAZI Germany would have been one of the primary models for Dubois to reference for a pattern for constructing black American civilization.

Along with Germany, Dubois revered the philosophy of Karl Marx and the “people management” skills of Russia’s Joseph Stalin and communist China’s Mao Tse Tung. Each and all who came into power within their own cultures on the backs of the “victim” classes. Marxism needs a victim class to champion and climb upon! Whether it was the peasant vs. the aristocracy, the unsophisticated vs. the elites or the rich vs. poor, history’s human monsters have always found a way to initially win the hearts and minds of the downtrodden before converting them into fodder. In addition to the socio-economic wars of the primarily homogenous cultures of Europe and Asia, America itself held the unique factor of race-class victimization.

So it is of no real surprise that Professor Gates would scream racism at the drop of a hat! His position and sole existence in academia depends upon consuming and distributing the message of perpetual victimhood. The incident with Sgt. Crowley added another chapter to Prof. Gates’ life’s book, opportunity for additional lectures and pseudo-evidence to further convince young black minds that they too are and forever will be victims in America—with the same Marxist ideology being their best way to true freedom and equality!

Gates like Dubois and even President Barack Obama share the same belief system. They are of a brotherhood rooted in academia, not the traditional church. Dr. King’s messages are only part of their strategy. The Christian model that Dr. King purported holds a process for confession, repentance and forgiveness. Victims become victors. Oppressors receive converted hearts and fellowship. The Marxist model cannot afford to have its victim classes see or experience a change in their conditions. They must retain perpetual victim status! For this reason, there cannot be an opportunity to declare victory over our racist and segregated past because it is no longer a Christian movement, but a system of Marxist ideology fueled by the insatiable need for black victims.

Time is now for the church, all preachers, but the African American preachers in particular are called to reject the false religion of Marxism—the effort of man to establish a utopian world without God—and embrace the comforting message in the Gospel of Jesus Christ! The doctrine of social justice can never become greater than the Father who provides it, the Son who defines it, nor the Spirit who accomplishes it! Though great and brilliant, the apostles of academia will never accomplish what God Almighty has already set forth. They cannot overrule what He has already established. They cannot plan what He has ordained.

So let us take up the mantle that the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. tossed down to those remaining as he was taken up. Unfortunately, up to this point, it has been worn by profiteers and imposters who have manipulated facts and concealed the truth! Reclaim it from the false prophets and the charlatans. Re-establish the true vision of a world of peace brought forth from God Almighty himself instead of relying upon the false promises of the politically-driven and the spiritually-corrupt. Add a new verse to the song that the civil rights marchers sang as they were brutalized and tormented as they strove—“We Have Overcome!”

Saturday, May 9, 2009


A Brief History of How Other Groups Have paved Their Roads to Success Through Black Suffering

Blacktop (blak' tŏp') n. A bituminous material such as asphalt used to pave roads, to pave with blacktop.

A road will always have two common elements that never change- a beginning and an ending. However, the surface materials that the pathway is composed of may drastically differ. Some materials may be soft, pliable and unstable- subject to great and adverse change when conditions like weather changes. On the other hand, there are sturdy, hard and seemingly unbreakable materials that have withstood the tests of pressure and adversity are proven to make up the most reliable and dependable roads to travel. The durability of the road material determines the quality of travel as well as the quantity of time taken as the traveler journeys from the first step to the final planting of the feet as he arrives at his destination. For this reason, the term blacktop is more than appropriate, and it springs forth out of the sea of nomenclature to claim it’s double-meaning, both literally and figuratively.

As we know the word literally, there is a trend that has been developing for the past 40 or so years based upon a roadway that was built through great sacrifice, pain, blood and yes, even violent death- the well-traveled road paved by black people in America. It is a travail from subhuman treatment in the yoke of slavery to positions of power today that were never imagined! This particular roadway was forged through a vastly-harsh wilderness of unprovoked and irrational hatred, aligned with hostility and indifference on either side. It was a road that no one group of people in America had experienced before- no, not even the native Americans- who had to press forward, hoping that one day, the road-building would come to an end because America itself would welcome black people home. So as it is true that the road to success, dignity and humanity has been paved, there is yet some distance to go!

It is true that through Black America’s ongoing path to acceptance, dignity and equal opportunity has inspired many, however, I question how the admiration has been returned in kind. It is said that “imitation is the greatest form of flattery,” but the form of imitation in mind is questionable. Specifically, several groups have benefited by co-opting the Black cause and using it as foundational material for their own paths towards their own goals, acquisitions and demands. So often, we hear groups liken the struggle against racism to their own. Although there can be nothing as desperate as the need to be recognized as a fellow human being- a full-fledged member of the human race, some have taken the noble intentions of our African-American forefathers and turned them into arguments against a fair, moral and legal social order. This is the figurative side of blacktopping- the taking of the historical journey of the Black experience and using it to build one’s own road to success. Again, there is no group that has had to endure the pain, humiliation and suffering that is embedded deeply within the social structure of Black culture, seemingly down to the molecular level! The residual is inter-woven tightly and firmly into the fiber of the average black person- the blood that was shed, the lynchings, the beatings, the separations from families- the haunting question that hides in the shadows of black thought when he meets a stranger from another part of the country- “Can we actually be kin?”

The following issues represent a brief summary and review of several highly-charged issues we find common to the black experience. Although most of them came into existence solely as efforts to address issues and concerns within the African American society, they soon became expanded to cover other groups, some of which even surpassed the success of the intended group:

Citizenship- “All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States…” The 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution had to be created to ensure that the descendants of former slaves were guaranteed full citizenship in America and its territories. It was proposed to the existing state legislatures a month after the Emancipation Proclamation came into effect on January 31, 1865. Apparently, there was enough resistance and confusion to cause the 38th Congress to bring this amendment forth. The core of the matter was whether the United States was obligated to consider the children and future generations of recently-freed slaves as citizens by birth. Many had accepted the obligation of citizenship for current blacks, but the greater concern became over those who would be born in the future.

This particular amendment is now one of the least understood, and therefore the most abused. Though not intended to be applied in the manner it is perceived and used today, the road for other groups’ benefit started with the beginning of the landing of the first black slave, but actually continued beyond the time-barrier established by Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation of January 1, 1865! As it has clearly established citizenship for blacks in America, the gross and intentional mis-interpretation of the 14th Amendment is now used to establish citizenship for illegal entrants across our borders. We have fallen to the false pretense that citizenship is granted simply by the means of “being born” on American soil. The way the amendment is (mis)construed is “All persons born or naturalized in the United States are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.” However, there is an often-overlooked clause that makes the matter absolutely clear. Between the phrases “All persons born or naturalized in the United States” and “are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside” is another phrase is “and subject to the jurisdiction thereof.”

Illegal entrants and even legal guests of in the U.S. are not naturally subject to its jurisdiction! We often forget that the initial premise to obey the laws of the United States of America has become secondary. The black slaves on the other hand, were subject to U.S. jurisdiction because the government sanctioned bringing them into the country, managing and controlling the population, and eventually becoming the instrument of freedom. Having been systematically separated from native homelands, cultural heritage and even familial ties, the freed black slaves were totally alien, but totally dependent until the U.S. Congress remedied the dilemma with the Fourteenth Amendment.

In contrast, those who voluntarily and willfully came from other nations were, and still are subject to the jurisdictions of their native lands. Without going through the well-defined, legal process of naturalization, citizenship does not apply! So the obvious conclusion is that many groups now use the 14th Amendment, originally intended to protect the citizenship rights for black people born in America, has been stretched to include any person who happens to be born here is a citizen. Today, the closest thing to the black enslavement episode is the sex slave industry! According to the original purpose of the 14th Amendment, simply sneaking across the U.S. border from another country and intentionally having a baby on American soil does not mean citizenship, but is a greater indication of how deficient and negligent our governmental leaders have been. Even though they place their hands upon the Holy Bible and swear to defend and protect the Constitution, the swearing-in ceremony only appears to be for many of our elected officials an inconvenient photo-op.

Affirmative action- originally intended to encourage employees to hire minorities, particularly blacks the federal government took to the forefront in making black employment increasingly possible. Let us not be distracted. The primary group targeted by affirmative action during the period of the civil rights struggle was the black male and female. The efforts by Presidents Kennedy and Johnson to “redress discrimination that had persisted in spite of civil rights laws and constitutional guarantees.” Clearly, the heart of each original piece of affirmative action mandate, whether by executive order or federal legislation focused upon the plight of blacks, especially the male. As a whole, practically a other non-black ethnic groups enjoyed significantly more freedom and social fluidity than black Americans. Their rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness was more of a reality than a dream, and with white southern democrats controlling both houses in Congress, practically no legislation came forth to change the cultural fabric.

In 1961, President John F. Kennedy’s executive order No. 10925 created the Committee on Equal Employment Opportunity and instructed federal contractors to take “affirmative action to ensure that applicants were treated equally without regard to race, color, religion, sex or national origin.” In 1964, then President Lyndon B. Johnson, going against the majority of his Democratic Party and with the support of the Republicans in the Senate, signed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 into law. This earth-moving legislation proved to bear the impact of the Emancipation Proclamation. It prohibited employment discrimination by employers with over 15 employees whether they held government contracts or not, and established the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. The road for greater economic opportunities for blacks, particularly black males, was seemingly destined to become smoother. Additionally, year 1965 brought an even more supportive position from the federal government. President Johnson issued Executive Order 11246, requiring all government contractors and subcontractors to take affirmative action to expand job opportunities for minorities, while establishing the Office of Federal contract Compliance to ensure enforcement.

Voting Rights- That year also brought the Voting Rights Act. Adopted at a time when African Americans were substantially disfranchised in many Southern states, the Act employed measures to restore the right to vote that intruded in matters previously reserved to the individual states. Section 4 ended the use of literacy requirements for voting in six Southern states (Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, South Carolina, and Virginia) and in many counties of North Carolina, where voter registration or turnout in the 1964 presidential election was less than 50 percent of the voting-age population. The effort to assure that black Americans were guaranteed free exercise of the right to vote was designed to bring an end to such forms of racial discrimination.

As time progressed, the road being paved for blacks soon began to become over-crowded, and the paradigm to redress racial discrimination against blacks began to shift in focus, as other groups began to mimic black strategy. In 1967, Johnson amended executive order 11246 by requiring federal contractors to earnestly seek to hire women and minorities. The white female became the prize employee, as she was eagerly hurried to the front of the line ahead of the black males in particular. The black male found himself in still competition to earn middle-class wages in a yet hostile environment. What might be considered a minority has now been expanded to any non-white male as well as a cluster of multi-faceted qualifications having nothing to do with racial discrimination. Though one might have hoped that the essence of affirmative action legislation would have be an instrument to somehow close the economic gap between blacks and whites, it remained the same if not reversed. Today, a black person who is hired through a real affirmative action program is viewed as being substandard and unqualified. Again, ahead of blacks the other groups advanced, paving their own roads to success with pleadings borrowed from the black struggle.

Hate Crimes/Homosexual Rights- Another group dominating the struggle for civil rights is the homosexual movement in America. There is hardly a dialogue in the gay vs. straight argument where the right to function in society according to one’s sexual preference is not likened to the black person’s right to human dignity. Across the nation, rules and laws are being changed to accommodate homosexual lifestyles. Even the Walt Disney empire has established a “gay weekend” at its Orlando, Florida complex! (Have you seen an African-American weekend yet?). Under pressure from blacks financed by the homosexual community, local, state governments and Congress itself have gone to the all ends to pass “hate crimes legislation” as a means to exact additional punishment upon offenders when existing laws did not do enough.

When Jasper resident James Byrd was so savagely murdered on June 7, 1998 by the three white supremacists, the penalties for the convicted men ranged from the death penalty to life imprisonment. Along with the expected outrage of the nation, the movement to establish laws based upon what is determined to be one’s personal prejudices or hatreds became the after-effect. As an attractive idea for many blacks, a look behind the curtain revealed the influence of the organized homosexual movement. Through the use of the black concern about the psychology of racial hatred, the homosexual community have begun to build off of it for their sakes a system of policing that lashes out at anyone, subject to criminal penalty for even thinking about homosexuality as being wrong, much less speaking out publicly against it.

Along with the hate crimes legislation momentum, the homosexual community has begun to radically and aggressively push same-sex marriage. Again, within the lexicon of the argument where the laws refuse to recognize same-sex relationships in this manner is their comparison the when many states refused to recognize or allow interracial marriages.

This progression of homosexual rights through the black experience was accurately described in 2007 by Rev. Ted Pike of the National Prayer Network. "Most persons who are concerned about imminent passage of the federal 'anti-hate' bill don't realize that S. 1105 in the Senate and H.R. 1592 in the House are actually amendments to a federal hate law passed in 1969. During the height of the civil rights movement, 'Title 18, U.S.C., Sec. 245' stipulated that no one could verbally '…attempt to…intimidate' another person (chiefly black) away from enjoyment of their federally protected right to equal employment, public services, housing, voting rights, jury privileges, etc. If the government finds such verbal 'intimidation' in a state and state officials are not enforcing these guarantees, the federal government can invade states' rights in local law enforcement, upholding Title 18," he said.[i]

Today, we have seen a flood of African American legislators, state and local feign empathy for homosexual dollars. Playing upon the false premise that the struggle of blacks is the same struggle for sexual preference acceptance, we now see bills introduced by African American political leaders (against the fundamental beliefs of their black constituencies) flooding our state and national legislative bodies! Again, black suffering paves the road for another group whose issues cannot stand upon the merits of their own substance and argument.

Immigration- A prelude to citizenship, many concerns were voiced about the impact of an influx of people from one part of the world flowing into America. Its effect upon the minority community was though then to possibly have a devastating outcome for the black community in general. In 1965, then Senator Edward Kennedy confidently stated during a debate on the Senate floor, “First, our cities will not be flooded with a million immigrants annually. Under the proposed bill, the present level of immigration remains substantially the same.... Secondly, the ethnic mix of this country will not be upset.... Contrary to the charges in some quarters, [the bill] will not inundate America with immigrants from any one country or area, or the most populated and deprived nations of Africa and Asia.... In the final analysis, the ethnic pattern of immigration under the proposed measure is not expected to change as sharply as the critics seem to think.... The bill will not flood our cities with immigrants. It will not upset the ethnic mix of our society. It will not relax the standards of admission. It will not cause American workers to lose their jobs.” With black Americans finally beginning to realize an amount of social liberty and political power never imagined before, the road they traveled is quite different as compared to the many immigrant groups today!

What black America achieved with prayer, blood and tears, and non-violence, today’s groups seek to achieve by anarchy. The most current groups are now in the process of laying down another layer of pavement for illegal immigrant rights and eventual citizenship through the adoption of the strategies of the civil right’s movement. There is basically a false claim to citizenship through the abuse of America’s hospitality, in conjunction with the violation of our own immigration laws! Where the descendants of slaves sought and began to excel in America, immigration today has created balkanized regions and communities resembling the third-world neighborhoods the immigrants came from. Black America has always craved to reconnect with its African ancestors, but has never sought dual citizenship—having a foot in America, and a toe in the land or their origin!

In 1975, the Voting Rights Act was amended to require that ballots and other election assistance be provided in languages other than English in jurisdictions where at lease 5 per cent of the voting age citizens were not proficient in English and the literacy rates were below the national average. There were no legislative upheavals then, neither were there any acts of civil disobedience one might recall. There were no police dogs unleashed upon a Spanish-speaking community- no Rosa Parks. Instead, through what might be seen as political alliance-building, these laws were quietly attached to the then current Voting Rights Act. Today, with the increasing probability of amnesty and citizenship for illegal aliens, the African American community’s progress in civil and voting rights will be devastated with such a disproportionate influx of homogenous groups. One cannot help but wonder whether our political class would be so eager to open our southern border if the countries to the south were Nigeria and Ethiopia?

Racial Profiling- From slavery, through Jim Crow and even in main stream America today, blacks have experienced scrutiny and suspicion as they traveled. The origination of this term developed from the problem that many blacks feel occurs when law enforcement in particular places above-normal scrutiny upon blacks while driving automobiles. This may even extend to black presence in neighborhoods where there is low black residency, shopping in stores, presence in groups, dress appearance and more. A primary charge is that white police officers, state troopers and law enforcement personnel in general tend to single out blacks (especially youth) for suspicious activities much more frequently than people of other racial and ethnic groups.

This concern, though justifiably raised from within the African-American community across the nation, is now being used by other groups as a means to decrease incidences of traffic stops, security checks and immigration status. The foremost group is within the Islamic community. Since 9-11, there is no part of U.S. society that still lives with additional caution and fear for terrorism. The 19 hijackers had so many things in common and fit such a narrow profile, that authorities all over even today still rely upon the facts that (1) radical Muslims are willing to become suicide killers, (2) the targets are usually civilian, (3) the perpetrators are usually young to middle aged males, (4) they are Arabic or of Middle Eastern descent (5) their behaviors make them stand out when scrutinized.

Parallel with that is the adoption of the pattern of the racial profiling issue by mostly Muslim groups to apply those principles to their religious behavior, especially at airports and public places where great numbers of people gather.

The final observation is recognizing that people of other races are not the only ones who have benefited from the plight of the African American dilemma. Fellow blacks have not only plucked tiles from the roadbed and have laid out for themselves expansive pathways of prosperity from coast-to-coast, but have also built runways for them to jet set across the globe. This group of beneficiaries range for the super prophets like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton to an entire culture of rap artists who preach the same message of eternal victimization as the “old school” generation, but with a beat. In conclusion, it is no stretch or exaggeration to say that every since slavery in America, there has been a profit realized at the expense of black suffering. From agriculture at the beginning, to the public education and criminal correctional systems, money is being made. It could be said that many are still benefiting from the pandemonium that still exists within the black experience. This is why it should be called blacktopping. Many roads have been paved, and many have reached, or has come closer than many blacks, the goals of success and full citizenship.

[i] Source: “Christians in Bull’s-Eye in New ‘Hate Crimes’ plan” ; WorldNet Daily, April 26, 2007

Friday, April 24, 2009

The Legacy of Communism Within the Black Community

William Edward Burghardt Dubois is one of the most revered patriarchs of the African American community. From the turn of the 20th century, he has fought to bring prosperity and success to blacks in America; however, it has been the way he has struggled to do so pose the problem. When it comes to discussing him, a critical fact eludes us—a fact that is also part of his legacy—of such a great significance, that it helps us to understand the psychology of many of our African American leaders today! If we understand the mindset, then we can determine whether it is what is acceptable, or of reproach. Many will be shocked at the realization that many of our fellow citizens actually despise what the vast majority of Americans have held so dear for the last 200-plus years, and long for a culture and a system of government that rivals what many European nations are fleeing—socialism!
No one can escape the fact that the venerable and respectable black intellectual was a devout communist who adored Joseph Stalin, Mao Tse-Tung and other communist tyrants of his day. He relished the societies each of those leaders had forged behind the Iron Curtain and the Great Wall, as he wrote extensively about the joys and efficiencies of the communism ideology itself. Dubois fought vehemently to marry this way of life with the African American community, but found enough resistance to thwart his efforts from within as well as without. In 1961 he joined the Communist Party USA, as he and his wife Shirley became increasingly distraught with life in America. In early 1963 they left the United States and became a citizen of the tiny communist nation of Ghana, where he died on August 27 that year. Though W.E.B. Dubois has been gone nearly fifty years, his legacy and influence still flourishes. His preference for this system was not a unique passion limited to Dubois.
Today, we see the Congressional Black Caucus—like moths to a flame—fluttered over to the island of Cuba and spent time with one of the most murderous tyrants of all time, Fidel Castro! Like Dubois, they too are so blinded by the brilliant but sheer veneer of “equal treatment” that is more of a form of equal misery. (See Rep. Laura Richardson’s praise of Castro and the communist system at ). They cannot comprehend that there is evil around them. The spirits of poverty and despair boldly speak out their claim over an entire nation of people who are afraid to even speak against him for fear that they would be overheard and end up in prison or insane asylum. Like Dubois, they too clamor for the delights of totalitarianism—themselves apparently believing that they will be of the ruling class!
However, one cannot be so kind to attribute the actions of this group to mere ignorance—they are very intelligent people, most of them well-educated and socially-conscious. So the correct assumption must be that the Congressional Black Caucus is both intentional and purposeful in their actions and deeds. They want communism to be the ruling system here in the United States!
Practically every member of the CBC as well as many of our left-leaning whites in the U.S. Congress belong to an organization known as the Progressive Caucus. This organization is closely-affiliated with a group known as the Democratic Socialist of America. Some of the members of our U.S. house of Representatives even serve on the DSA’s advisory board such as Reps. Maxine Waters, Zoe Lofgren and John Conyers to name a few. Before the 2008 national elections, there were about 75 congressional members who were members of the Progressive Caucus. With the increase of Democrats due to the elections, there are even more! The most flagrant are representatives from districts where their constituents do not hold them to accountability or even share the socialistic ideology.
But perhaps the real source of the problem is not within the halls of congress or the Oval Office. One thing even Dubois recognized, and encouraged white socialists like Planned Parenthood’s Margaret Sanger to take full advantage of— the black preacher! From birth control to abortion, from public housing to multi-billion dollar sports complex’s, the black preacher has been the most consistent and influential factor above all. Politicians and leaders—good and bad—have come and gone, but the black preacher has been in the same place and position. Embedded within the foundation of practically every black neighborhood, no politician fares well without his blessing! The return to the preacher, especially within the larger cities that have large black populations can be very rewarding, but the end results have created communities totally dependent upon the hand of government, even more than the church.
So, it is no stretch to conclude that the primary reason the Congressional Black Caucus enjoys such close affiliation with some of the world's worst tyrants is because the church of the African American community does not either care or simply des not know!
Like Dubois, who ignored the fact that Mao, Stalin and other communists doctators were responsible for the slaughter of hundreds of millons of their own citizens, the Congressional Black and Progressive Caucuses have ignored the heinous acts of Castro and his trans-generational rein of terror over the Cuban people. The truth to the matter is that they are enemies to America's way of life. Patriotism means more than waving the American flag and singing God Bless America in front of the nation's capitol. Along with other things, it certainly means supporting the system that gives every person the opportunity to succeed and excel- capitalism! For this reason, every candidate running for political office should be expected to be committed to support our free enterprize system just as much as our U.S. Constitution itself! This will begin the purging and disinfection of our system!
So if you find this information disturbing, research the matter for yourselves! You will see that there is more evidence that says yes than there is that refutes the claim.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Secretary of State Accepts Award Honoring Architect of Black Genocide

On Friday March 27, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton presents acceptance speech for Planned Parenthood's prestigious Margaret Sanger Award at the George R. Brown Convention Center in Houston, TX.
On March 27, 2009 now Secretary of State Hillary Clinton gave an acceptance speech for the Margaret Sanger Award recognition for her longstanding work in support of the organization and its agenda. Should there be any concern for this honor? Probably not, since the vast majority of African Americans are either unaware of Planned Parenthood’s blood-stained history, or simply agree with the agenda. For example, it has been documented time and time again concerning Margaret Sanger’s hatred for non-whites as well as certain whites of eastern European descent. Being an evolutionist, she passionately maintained that it was the responsibility of the superior white race to control and regulate the world’s population by exercising programs limiting the birth rates of those she considered to be human weeds—and attractive ideology for white supremacists such as the Ku Klux Klan!
Of particular focus for Sanger was the African American population, which continues to this day. Besides working with black ministers, doctors and leaders in the mid-to-late 1930’s, she worked even closer with wealthy whites such as Dr. Clarence Gamble of the Proctor and Gamble soap-making empire. Their most notorious plan was called The Negro Project, which was designed to recruit black doctors and preachers to convince fellow blacks about the benefits of population control.
In an early December 1939 letter to Margaret Sanger, Dr. Clarence Gamble wrote, “The colored minister seems an extremely[important] unit in the work. I am not so certain about the need of a colored doctor, though in this I would be ready to accept the recommendation of the colored leaders. It seems to me the chief need in the campaign is publicity, and for this I feel ministerial training is far more important than medical. Though my experience has been slight, I haven’t been convinced that colored physicians are important in the race’s community leadership”.
Part of Sanger’s December 10, 1939 response unsurprisingly was, "... We do not want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members." The incorporation of the black preacher was a very important part of the strategy, which is still a valuable political instrument today, as the same strategy has been effectively adopted by the Democratic Party—using black pastors to push their agendas ranging from political candidates to billion dollar sports stadiums! Money, power and position are the commodities used to trade in innocent black blood! The black-on-black slaughter in America is no different than the Hutus v. Tutsis of Rwanda, the Luo v. Kikuyu of Kenya or the Muslim v. Christian of Sudan or other African groups with one exception. The difference in America is that it is neither racial, tribal nor religious—its economics!
Sanger’s insidious work drew the interest of the Ku Klux Klan as she attended several rallies now discovered, and possibly many others yet to be revealed. Several times she was invited to secret Klan meetings, as evidenced by photos taken at two different rallies held in Silverlake, New Jersey as far back as 1926 (see Her apparently initial contact with Klan sounded like a narration out of a spy novel, as she described her clandestine rendezvous. But it would be plain to understand that her speech would have been encouragement for the racist organization, as they shared a common goal—to eliminate black people! In fact, Sanger’s method would obviously be most effective—there would be no need to lynch, burn or mutilate blacks if they could be killed before birth!
Some would challenge the notion that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton be linked with such a racist like Sanger, but the facts speak for themselves. Although black comprise only 12-13% of the total U.S. population, the annual abortion rate for black women is around 35%. A common community service strategy for Planned Parenthood is to place their clinics near large minority populations. Since the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision, well over 8 million black babies have been aborted—over 30% of the current African American population! So it would be no stretch to say that the Ku Klux Klan is extremely happy with Sanger’s program. It has been effective and efficient in doing what it could have never done. Planned Parenthood has excelled the work of the Nazi war machine and its human extermination program. Margaret Sanger convinced blacks to kill their own!
So with Hillary Clinton’s enduringly-strong support of the Planned Parenthood organization, one can conclude that neither violent crime, drug abuse, AIDS nor any of those maladies can be seen as the most dangerous place or thing for black people—it’s the womb! And for blacks, other minorities and the poor, pro-choice actually means no choice! Not only does she deserve to receive that award from the Planned Parenthood organization, when it comes to controlling the African American population, she has probably earned the adoration of the Ku Klux Klan!

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Screaming Racism Without Good Reason

In what can be seen as having the speed and effectiveness of the work of a rapid-response team loaded with an arsenal of a single propaganda bullet, we have been given a glimpse of what is to come from the race-cult Taliban operating in behalf of President Barack Obama’s administration. Regardless of whether any opposition to his policies or criticism of his ideology is based upon sound, moral legitimate grounds, there will be the clamor of racism. The most recent attacks having been on the New York Post and its political cartoonist Sean Delonas, who created the Feb. 18, 2009 cartoon with two policemen having shot to death a chimpanzee while alluding to the notion that it was a monkey wrote the Economic Stimulus Bill.

The other centered around the southern (white) governors’ decisions to refuse portions of the federal money from the same source of funding. Both instances illustrate the shallow, unfounded folly of black race-baiters whose only value to the political process is to provide coverage for the white-elitist liberal class!

Take for instance, the Rev. Al Sharpton and those of his ilk, having very little ability to provide a consistent and convincing argument, retreat into the Saul Alinsky tactic of name-calling and personal attacks against their opponents. Using the power of a willing, spiritually-compatible news media, Sharpton and others are able to summon the TV cameras and microphones at a moment’s notice! Their most recent accusation claims that the NY Post intentionally used the cartoon as a racial insult, suggesting that President Obama is an ape, thus taking a swipe at all black people. Although the NY Post owner Rupert Murdoch and cartoonist Delonas vehemently deny any suggestion that there were racist motives, the masses of race-detectives clamor for justice with McCarthyistic fervor.

Sharpton’s comment was, "The cartoon in today's New York Post is troubling at best given the historic racist attacks of African-Americans as being synonymous with monkeys. One has to question whether the cartoonist is making a less than casual reference to this when in the cartoon they have police saying after shooting a chimpanzee that "Now they will have to find someone else to write the stimulus bill." Whether Sharpton’s intentions were well-meaning or not is not the issue, but in light of the “historic racist attacks …” he speaks of, one could say that he is certainly misguided!

The truth is that the notion of blacks being close descendants has a history in Charles Darwin’s Theory of Evolution—a system that is the actual source which implies the relationship. However, Rev. Sharpton is silent about this! Why? Could it be that evolutionary theory is a key cornerstone for the liberal left—the source of Sharpton’s financial well-being? Evolution is also a very important part of the public school system, which teaches that man descends from apes. So Sharpton is only attacking a representation of the belief, while the teaching within evolution is the source that he and other race-police utterly ignore. If Rev. Al Sharpton was truly genuine, he would be all over Darwinism, but he would be at the risk of losing his support. In spite of the fact that Darwin's book, THE ORIGIN OF SPECIES BY MEANS OF NATURAL SELECTION, in its full title says ... OR THE PRESERVATION OF FAVORED RACES IN THE STRUGGLE FOR LIFE.
If Sharpton were to realize that Darwin's book, the bible of the liberal left is the actual source for the "blacks being inferior and related to apes" ideology, would he challenge it?

Then there is U.S. Representative James Clyburn (D. South Carolina), who is also a member of the left-leaning Progressive Caucus, a group of U.S. Congressional members closely aligned with the organization called the Democratic Socialists of America. Rep. Clyburn has publicly criticized the state governors who are refusing the federal funds being made available through the Stimulus Bill, but are loaded with strings attached! The congressman stated, “The governor of Louisiana expressed opposition. Has the highest African American population in the country. Governor of Mississippi expressed opposition. The governor of Texas, and the governor of South Carolina. These four governors represent states that are the proverbial black belt. I was insulted by that …” He went on the express that the act of these governors was a “slap in the face of African Americans.” Like Rev. Sharpton’s stretch to claim racist intentions, Rep. Clyburn’s Chicken Little imitation is even more groundless! However, like Sharpton, the press makes even his false claims seem legitimate.

First of all, what Rep. Clyburn must recognize is that although he may see this southern region as being the “black belt,” the majority of Americans (black and White) have always seen the same region as being the “Bible Belt!” It is still a region of the country where the basic principles for living have not been completely undermined by a foreign ideology, namely socialism, and the Jude-Christian ethic still holds value. In addition, Rep. Clyburn’s opinion of black America being slapped in the face because of the governors rejecting federal money is a slap in the face in itself. He is saying that blacks are of a government-dependent, entitlement-minded race of people waiting for the next round of hand outs and provisions. He paints a picture that only blacks are affected, while whites and others apparently do not even factor in!

Finally, let us remind Rep. Clyburn that though he may be the Majority Whip for the House of Representatives at this time, he is still only one of 435 U.S. Representatives chosen to represent those who elected him. So by what authority does he have to utter a word about what goes on is Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi or any besides his own? Neither has he been anointed to be the great protector of black people. In fact, Rep. Clyburn, Rev. Sharpton and other Chicken Littles have actually demeaned and minimized the true legitimate incidents of racial bigotry with their unsubstantiated “the sky is falling” rhetoric!

The truth is that they have been merely providing cover for the Masters of the Left. Their true value is only to cry racism in practically every case to stifle and intimidate any opposition. Without this ability, they all would find themselves cast out of the vehicle like an empty drink cup! The cry of racism is one of the most powerful tools in the hand of the left, enabling them to move their radical agendas forward with little or no opposition.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Crying Out to the Wrong Power?

On January 6 of this year, the Houston Chronicle and local TV media reported that a group of Houston area pastors came together for a press conference to declare to the world that they were utterly helpless and were in need of a greater power to stop the black-on-black crimes that are tearing apart the community of Sunnyside. The delegation represented the 300-member Houston Ministers Against Crime movement, and they assembled themselves before the public to demand that city officials create an expert panel to address escalating violence among black youth. “We’re crying out for help from our elected officials,” said one minister. “We’re going to scream this from the roof,” said another.
However, there is something very telling about these actions in light of the great declaration the church’s founder which was “…upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” Jesus spoke of the church having unimaginable power and ability—the entity that these leaders suppose to represent! Though we may exhibit stellar pulpit performances and spout great Scriptural verses like “I can do all things through Christ, which strengthens me,” the public plea shows a sign of weakness and utter despair. Or could it be safe to say that the church has lost its savour, meaning that it has lost its effectiveness and ability to influence those around it?
The cry of the pastors for government help stands as irrefutable evidence of how far the leadership has strayed from the spiritual foundation of being rooted in the basic principles of traditional Biblical doctrine. Question: What can the city council and government do to force or even convince young black men to cease committing such heartless violence, not just against black people, but people in general? The laws are already in the books!
And remember, government’s duty is to “punish the wicked and protect the innocent, bring justice to the offender and encouragement to the law-abiding.” So this means that many segments of the Christian community has it all wrong! Government’s primary responsibility is actually remove the wicked and disobedient from civilized society in hopes of changing them—it is not government’s responsibility to raise them! In fact, government functions best where its duties truly reside, and many of the things the preachers are crying so loudly about stem from the government’s attempt to handle those things best minded by the church! In fact, much of the tragedy the black communities suffer from is the collateral damage stemming from liberal alliances and an unquestioning devotion to a political party system that profit from the very misery they lament.
The dependence upon government solutions has been the plague of the church, which has withdrawn step-by-step from its responsibility of shaping the culture. It is for this very reason we have many of our problems. With government doing all it can to remove God from every aspect of society, how can church leaders depend upon it to solve issues related to the spiritual condition of people? For the leaders of the church—the only physical, visible representation of the kingdom of heaven on earth to declare this dependency upon a lesser authority illustrates the spiritual poverty in our pulpits! The immense political power has raised a generation that no longer looks to God, but to our city halls, state capitols and ultimately Washington, D.C. Is there not a word from the Lord? Perhaps a display of unity, fasting and prayer would open greater wisdom in finding solutions.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Does Sen. Reid’s Rejection of Burris Reveal Racist Ideology?

He is qualified by time and experience. Duly-elected to the state wide positions of state comptroller and attorney general for the state of Illinois, respectively. His credentials are unquestionable, but U.S. senate appointee Roland Burris appears to be the victim of a stigmatic specter from days long ago.
Majority Leader Harry Reid would have been more credible if it were not for the leaking of the conversation he had with controversial governor Blagojevich concerning his preference for who would fill the senate seat vacated by President-elect Barrack Obama.
According to Blagojevich, Sen. Reid was adamant about who he wanted in that position, but he apparently started off by naming who he did not want: Chicago Reps. Jesse Jackson Jr. and Danny Davis, and state Senate President Emil Jones Jr. Describing three black public officials as “unelectable,” Reid has apparently forgotten that it was a black man who was duly elected that needs to be replaced! Reid’s preference, according to Blagojevich would be either of two women, of which are probably less qualified than any of the black men who were in consideration. He preferred either Thai-American state Veteran Affairs Director Tammy Duckworth or white Illinois state Attorney General Lisa Madiga.
However, Reid’s conduct should at least draw suspicion of his thought processes. Of course, he would work with blacks in the House and/or the Senate—that’s his job—that’s what we all know as politics, but what if Sen. Reid has “certain preferences?” What does he think of blacks as a people?
Perhaps another clue can be given by his way of denigrating Supreme Court Associate Justice Clarence Thomas. (Some things will occasionally go beyond politics). Setting politics aside for the moment, let us simply look at how he responded to Justice Thomas without a pause for a thought

During a Dec. 5 2004 interview with Tim Russert on on the NBC News program Meet the Press, Reid's response to Russert question was as follows:

MR. RUSSERT: Why couldn't you accept Clarence Thomas?

SEN. REID: I think that he has been an embarrassment to the Supreme Court. I think that his opinions are poorly written. I don't--I just don't think that he's done a good job as a Supreme Court justice.
Sen. Reid was soon rebuked by the Congressional Black Caucas for that remark. This may suggest that when not politically expedient, Sen. Harry Reid would prefer no blacks around!