Friday, December 26, 2008

Getting Back to Its Roots Means Increased Black Participation

The Republican Party of Texas’ web site proudly displays in its history:
“African Americans were one group of Texans that would consistently support the Republican Party in Texas in those early years. In fact, throughout Reconstruction, African Americans comprised about 90% of GOP membership, and 44 African Americans served in the Texas legislature as Republicans…The first ever state Republican convention that met in Houston on July 4, 1867 was predominantly African American in composition, with about 150 African American Texans attending, and 20 Anglos… The second State GOP Chairman, Norris Wright Cuney, an African-American from Galveston who led the Republican Party from 1883 to 1897, is said by State historians to have held “the most important political position given to a black man of the South in the nineteenth century.”

This is only the beginning of African American history and the Republican Party in the United States. In fact, similar and even greater comparisons can be made with Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Florida and states throughout the South.
So it seems a bit hypocritical when the leaders within the Republican Party leadership speak of going back to the fundamental principles and beliefs of the party without reaching back far enough to bring black Americans back to their true and historical roots. Unfortunately, there appears to be very little concern. Instead, the advice to the party is to pursue the Hispanic vote. A November 26, 2008 article by James H. Walsh writes, “Its time for Republicans to turn their attention towards this crucial voting bloc. The Hispanic population is growing faster than whites or blacks. For more than 60 years, the nation’s black population has hovered at 13 percent of the total U.S. population…”

In addition, former Florida governor Jeb Bush, who is reportedly considering a run for the U.S. senate has also suggested increased effort to corral the Hispanic vote. President George W. Bush made an extreme blunder by appointing Mel Martinez to chair the Republican National Committee, which led to catastrophic results. Martinez’ greatest effort was join others like Sen. John McCain and President George W. Bush in a monumental effort to arrogantly force comprehensive immigration legislation down the throats of the American people! A November 30 NewsMax article quotes Gov. Jeb Bush as saying, “We can’t ignore large segments of our population and expect to win,” Bush said. “We can’t be the ‘old white-guy’ party. It’s just not going to work, the demographics go against us in that regard… Among Hispanic voters, I think we need to change the tone of the conversation as it relates to immigration. In Florida, we’ve not participated much in the chest pounding and the yelling and the screaming.” So having written off the African American community AGAIN, and apparently forever more, the party’s failed leadership prepares for the same, without attempting to restore the severed ties it once held.

For this reason alone, the essence of the entire Republican Party has been missing a very crucial element—its soul! When the average African American looks at this political organization, one sees a group of racist white men doing all they can to protect their money from the poor and the hungry! Originally organized by blacks and white abolitionists, the initial spark and driving force centered around a nucleus of God-given right to life, liberty and opportunity to pursue happiness for all men, regardless of skin color. During the time of slavery and a lengthy period afterwards, blacks-- particularly in the southern states, rallied to form this party and political movement.

Those God-given rights were irrefutable and of such a deeply-conceived concept that the nation went to war with itself to establish this great truth that all men were created equal! It was not just a complicated notion of good-hearted men, but the untiring work of devoted Bible-believing Christians—a group that today’s Republican Party leadership apparently regrets having been associated with—but as the most recent devastating political defeats infer, were no more than impostors incapable of convincing not just blacks, but the majority of the nation that their principles were best!

But if the Republican Party is to return to its true roots, it must have black people playing a major role in the decision-making processes. No one can truthfully say, nor expect success if the leadership falls short of initiating a “homecoming” for African Americans. At this point, though numbering in the millions, the true historical record strongly suggests that they are actually in exile. Being a people deeply-rooted in faith, they have been wandering in a wilderness of moral vacuity as devoted followers of the Democratic Party. Where can they go? Even some abused wives choose to stay with the cruel husband if they see no way out, and for black Americans, the only visible alternative has been to stay home! Even with the election of the first black president in Barack Obama, he is poised to only seal their fate in the tomb of Marxism.

You cannot create a lasting passion over material things, no! Not even taxes! Especially in a society where economic education is practically nil, and the mantra of rich vs. poor has been alowed to become louder than "one nation under God!" This is also because people will change as their own financial concern is satisfied. Besides, free things unfortunately will always be more attractive to the masses than freedom! It must be based upon issues which draw the fervent emotion of the human spirit such as whether a man would be a slave or a free citizen! Is there such a cause?

To be concise, the passion of the party has been wetted by the moderates and political heirs who obtain positions of influence not by merit, but by bloodline and pedigree, speaking and spouting principle without any idea of the fundamental basis for it. Being afraid of their own shadows, they readily undermine and beat up on those who truly hold the nation true to its foundation, and will not to sell out their principles and convictions just to be a part of the Washington insider class, but are simply appreciative in knowing that they are part of the Family of God-- the same God who gave them a nation to live and die for!

So in the memory of such great African Americans like Crispus Attucks, Prince Whipple, Peter Salem, and Oliver Cromwell during the American Revolution; Frederick Douglas, Dread Scott and Harriett Tubman of abolionist fame and those who worked to bring America to its point of success, I earnestly appeal to the Republican Party leadership to "remember the bridge that brought it over!"

Friday, December 5, 2008

A Tribute to Those Who Have Not Bowed

By Rev. M.L. Johnson, D.Min. Theology

This past presidential election has been a historical event in more ways than the nomination and eventual election of America’s first black president. Within the very bowels of the American substance, we find a conflict far greater than the tit-for-tat play of the political process— the spiritual schism within the church— the body of Christ at odds within itself! During such times as these and for this reason, one with the least amount of Biblical knowledge cannot but think of the days of the prophet Elijah when ancient Israel’s king Ahab and his wife Jezebel ruled.
This focus is not on the husband and wife who led the rebellion of God’s people, but the class of religious leaders who adored them. The man of God’s greatest dilemma was in dealing with his religious counterparts—a massive priesthood in contention with him and God. The wicked couple had full reign over the nation, as Jezebel surrounded herself with 800 prophets who worshipped the false gods named Baal and Ashtoreth. An additional 450 prophets were dedicated to sexual immorality as well as other forms of idolatry. It seemed to Elijah that these were the darkest days of his life, having run for his own life after Jezebel’s oath to kill him even at the cost of her own. This man of God had witnessed the executions of untold numbers of God’s own faithful followers, and what was left of God’s chosen people had bowed beneath the shadow of this false religious system.
Jezebel was beaming with confidence, and radiating with power as she and the religious establishment alliance sat around the banquet tables and celebrated their success as the cloud of debauchery covered the nation like a suffocating smoke. Israel’s God Jehovah was out, the heathen god of Baal was in! Holiness, honor and truth were mocked while deception, irreverence and self-gratification were made virtues. The wickedness of the false religion manifested within the acts of the people as they began to institute laws and practices God had historically destroyed nations for. The very center of power was overrun with the vile and profane, while God’s dedicated servants were banished into cultural and social exile. President-elect Obama’s January 20, 2009 inaugural celebration and the following few days may represent the zenith of the convergence of practically every ideology that has worked so hard and for so long to destroy America as we know it! (He has already declared that America in no longer a Christian nation). The preachers who have fought so diligently for his election will have their time to rejoice. The parties and the celebrations will explode with splendor, pomp and pageantry as it did around Jezebel’s table; however, God is not defeated. Even Elijah came to realize this.
That epic moment came at Mt. Carmel between Elijah and the prophets of Baal and culminated with the man of God calling down fire from heaven after Baal’s prophets had failed to do so. That demonstration of God’s power and presence reignited the hearts of the Israelites as they began to reclaim their identity as the children of the most-high God! But the king and queen held fast to their rebellious ways, and the man of God had to flee for his life and hide in the wilderness. In his moment of despair and futility, he was ready to give up, even after such a convincing demonstration of divine assistance and power.
In the wilderness, Elijah cried out to God, "I have been very zealous for the LORD God Almighty. The Israelites have rejected your covenant, torn down your altars, and put your prophets to death with the sword. I am the only one left, and now they are trying to kill me too."
Tired and weary of the battle, God’s fiery prophet thought that he was the only person left alive in the world—fighting with all of his might to stand for righteousness. But within that stand, he felt so alone in his purposeful work. Having seen so many of Israel’s leadership fall by Jezebel’s sword while others decided to bow and worship Baal, his hope had dried up to the size of a teardrop! It was apparent that Elijah felt that he had made his own last stand! Perhaps you may have felt that you have fought a futile battle, and the hordes of unrighteousness are celebrating their victories. You argued God’s case that it was not good to lift up a man who spoke openly and defiantly against His word. You tirelessly but unsuccessfully debated and pointed out that Jesus is the one true Messiah and God loves even the unborn, but you found that its practically impossible to argue with emotion!
Fellow blacks looked and stared at you in a sense of bewilderment, totally puzzled and ultimately disgusted in your position to deny a black man the opportunity to be president. And now, you are subjected to criticism and even ostracism for your standing against Barack Obama’s presidential election effort. There is still good reason to hold onto the promises of God! Your faith-based position shall withstand even the test of time itself!
With your self-examination, you have sought reason to justify a change in your own position, but the strength of the word of God in your heart would not allow that to happen. His word in not only within your head, it is also within your heart! You’ve been alone, but not weakened; ignored, but brilliant as a light; ridiculed, but encouraged more than ever to hold onto your convictions! It wasn’t that you merely wanted a black man to lead the nation, but more importantly, you wanted a man of any color who feared God above any qualification!
Many may have criticized, but could not challenge you for your steadfastness on God’s word! Your position is not at the expense of unborn babies, nor have you made alliance with the enemies of God. You have stood on the principle that marriage is between one man and one woman. There have been so many reports that not even the most prestigious preacher is able to justify or even satisfactorily explain away his or her departure from the very heart of God’s word. Please recognize that you are not alone! There are many of us who are destined to be united and connected together. As God informed Elijah, “Yet I reserve seven thousand in Israel—all whose knees have not bowed down to Baal and whose mouths have not kissed him." God is preparing a generation who love Him above all else, and you shall get to meet them! You did not bow, and have proven yourself true to the Savior instead of rationalizing yourself into the membership of the masses.
The stance you have taken is so similar to Elijah’s position—going against the majority! As many of our Christian leaders opted for the thrill of selecting the first black president of the United States, you carefully chose to make a Biblical position superior to a human passion. You have been a critical listener because you are a critical thinker with an uncompromising Christ-mindedness. You have seen the situation from a higher view, recognizing that government is not God, and no man can provide that which only God owns. You refused to sell out your deeply-rooted beliefs even at the enticement of racial pride. Having risen above the ideology of being a black Christian, you have matured into the higher position of being a Christian who happens to be black!
So as the Apostle Paul encouraged Timothy in chapter 2 of his second letter, “Thou therefore, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. And the things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also. Thou therefore endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ [vs. 1-3].”
So, for not bowing, I salute you. Be encouraged, neither be ye sorry; for the joy of the Lord is your strength.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Sinful Nation

Every now and then, we would hear about the economic power of the African American community in terms of how the amount of money flowing through the black community as compared to the GNP of most countries in the world. As a people, over 670 billion dollars are spent each year, with significant increases forthcoming. I’ve heard that if black America were a nation, it could rank as high as 13th in the world in terms of global economic power. When you consider that there are about 195 countries on this earth, that is saying quite a bit about blacks in America—if seen solely from that perspective.
However, if we’re going to use this abstract to prove one point, why not use it to prove another. I suggest that we not stop there and proudly project about black economic potential. I see another perspective that must also be considered in order to present a different paradigm that impacts black America even more than economic power. If we were to continue this extrapolation that examines black America as a nation of itself, let us also consider this “nation” in terms of its moral and spiritual condition. Though not kind, the statistics tell of a truth most disturbing, but must be figured into the equation if we are to come to the correct conclusion. Now top this off with America’s first black president, Barack Obama, the path we have traveled for the last fifty or so years appears to have been manifested in his very person!
As we look into the African American Nation, as a whole, we see issues that are not as flattering as the economic potential. In fact, there are several leading cultural indicators that strongly suggest a nation in trouble—a people who are living in a period comparable with those nations and cultures that have fallen, and have been buried in the sands of time, and history seeks to vaguely recall. These are nations that have collapsed under the weight of not foreign invasion, but the implosion of each society due to internal cultural rot and decay. In other words, similar to nations and empires that found themselves incurring the wrath of God!
· 12-15% enrollment in public school, over 45% special education
· Seventeen of our nation’s 50 largest cities had high school graduation rates lower than 50%
· 13% of nation’s population, over 50% prison/jail population
· Over 35% of abortions in America are black babies
· Approximately 5% white unemployment, double-digit in black community
· 2005 statistics showed that Black women accounted for 66% of new AIDS cases, compared to 16% White and 16% Latina. Black males accounted for 44% as compared to 34% white and 20% Latino.
· Illegitimate births within the African American community soar above 80% annually.
Should I dare suggest that many of our problems as a people may not stem from an inherently hostile culture, but from a steady departure from the one true God so many of us claim to be devoted to?
Within moments of the surety of Obama being the Democratic Party’s nominee for president of the United States, ripples of excitement seemingly struck black America, from the homeless discarded on the streets to the titular heads of the most formidable mega church/ denominationally elite leaders sprang to his side with a sort of giddiness normally expected of a breathless teenager about to speak to her heart-throb for the very first time. Throwing Biblical principle and Scripture aside, the possibility of being part of the historical moment of placing a black man into the highest office in the land and becoming the most powerful human was too great even for the most revered Christian leaders! I’m afraid that even if Lucifer were to come in the form of an African American, many preachers would follow.
On two occasions in particular, Obama has met with prominent ministers and Christian leaders. The first of note was The Hampton Minister’s Conference held in Hampton, Virginia during the first week of June. Here, the apparent outcome of this gathering of African American pastors was that it became a pro-Obama, religious conversion experience. The second meeting with Obama was held in Chicago less than a week later. To many Christian leaders, the results were the same—especially those from within the black community—an abiding commitment to presidential candidate Barak Obama in spite of questionable ideological positions which conflict with Biblical scripture. Abandoning all sense of principle, there has arisen this lustful urgency to “become a part of history” by supporting this charismatic black man while spiritualizing his arrival as the result of the will of God!
Now if Obama was coming with a message reflective of the Bible, then he would certainly have captured my attention in a more positive and supportive manner, but from my perspective, practically everything he is preaching in public contradicts the gospel. For example, Barrack Obama does not believe that salvation through Jesus Christ alone is the only way to heaven. On March 27, 2004 interview with Cathleen Falsani, part of what Obama truly believes becomes blaringly plain. “… So I’m rooted in the Christian tradition. I believe that there are many paths to the same place, and that is a belief that there is a higher power, a belief that we are connected as people…” This is the man whose path the high priesthood of the African American Nation have strewn their coats and palm branches in front of without question nor concern for his spiritual roots. Additionally, Obama states, “… I find it hard to believe that my God would consign four-fifths of the world to hell… I can’t imagine that my God would allow some little Hindu kid in India who never interacts with the Christian faith to somehow burn for all eternity. That’s just not part of my religious makeup.” In other words, Jesus lied in His declaration in John 14:6 when he stated, “Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” No person who professes to be a Christian CAN state that there are other ways to heaven as part of their belief system!
Why? It is because of the salvation process that occurs within the heart of any believer. 1 John 4:1-3 provides the test criteria which determines the spiritual make up of an individual—especially of those who supposedly make up the body of Christ! The issue of whether Jesus came in the flesh is a very significant matter. This summarizes God’s intention, Jesus’ purpose and Christ’s fulfillment— God’s manifestation in the flesh who was crucified on Calvary for the sins of the world, but was risen in the flesh on the third day and ascended back to heaven to be seated at the right hand of God! To state that there are other ways to heaven denies the perfect work of Jesus Christ and equates God’s work with that of other deities and religious systems! Remember that in Matthew 15:18, Jesus also said, “But those things which proceed out of the mouth come forth from the heart; and they defile the man.” Acknowledging this great truth tells us that Barack Obama, like many others, shows us what has or has not occurred within his own heart, as verse three of 1 John 4 concludes, And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world.”
The strongest arguments provided by the clergy and citizenry in general stems from Obama’s vague promises of “CHANGE.” The religious leaders of the Christian world apparently translate this into a form of social gospel where there will be provided by the federal government, housing, health insurance, real equal opportunity, food and whatever else is needed—actually most of the things the church is supposed to be providing—they want the government to do for them! The change is really an EX-CHANGE! Trading souls for material gain.
In addition, Obama believes that America is no longer a Christian nation…In a June 2007 speech (available on YouTube) he declared, ”Whatever we once were, we’re no longer a Christian nation. At least not just. We are also a Jewish nation, a Muslim nation, and a Buddhist nation, and a Hindu nation, and a nation of nonbelievers…” That aroused my curiosity enough to start a brief search to see what our national makeup was in light of religion and faith. It did not take long. According to a March 2002 Pew research group survey of 2,002 adults on their religious affiliations, the statistics profoundly contradict Obama’s statement.
· Christian- 82%
· Jewish- 1%
· Other Non-Christian- 1%
· Atheist- 1%
· No Preference- 10%
Another survey by sociologists Barry A. Kosim, Seymour P. Lachman and associates at the Graduate School of the City University of New York conducted an even more scientific study of 113,000 individuals in 1990 and 50,000 in 2001 with similar results, but with Muslims, Buddhists and Hindus representing with less than 1% each. So as Barak Obama throws out “false statements” as fact, he depends upon the population’s emotional acceptance of him instead of them challenging him on fact! Additionally, he is relying upon the nation view of a diminishing significance of Jesus in the heart of the nation—a clear warning sign that the African American Nation’s priesthood seems to be ignoring. In conclusion, it is plain to see that black America is in need of a change—a return to the God of our forefathers—the God we had claimed to have been the instrument of our own deliverance from bondage. Before the African American nation can look down upon the rest of America, it must remove the collective beam from its own eye, and remove itself from the presence of this messianic-like figure who has perverted their sense of moral righteousness.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

It's Not Just Rev. Wright... It's More About the System!

The fiery rhetoric of the Rev. Jeremiah Wright has sent shockwaves throughout the political landscape at the magnitude that could possibly collapse the political aspirations of Senator Barak Obama. The preacher’s preaching is laced with messages of racial hatred, separation and accusation. America itself, in his eyes is the dangerous malevolent force in this world destined to be consumed in the eternal fires of hell—a day when the poor victimized peoples of the other nations will celebrate.
However, to lay all of the blame at the feet of this former Marine and pastor would be a great forfeiture of understanding, and a loss of the unique opportunity to really see the inner-workings of what influences much of today’s African American cultural personality. There is a dynamic here, a near mystical captivation that exerts a hold over a people that cannot be ignored. There is something at work here that even in light of cold, hard fact, the faithful adherent rejects truth in order to irrationally cling to the lie, the impractical and absurd. In short, the 16th chapter of Overcoming Racism Through the Gospel presents a painful theory that much of the black-think process is a result of race-cult influence, and Rev. Wright’s extra-gospel preaching serves well to prove it!
Cult- a religion or sect considered to be false, unorthodox, or extremist, with members often living outside of conventional society under the direction of a charismatic leader.
Before the matter is discussed in further detail, let it be known that the credible resources who provide the means for such analysis were experts in the field of cults—Dr. Milton Rokeach author of The Open and Closed Mind, and Dr. Walter Martin, author of Kingdom of the Cults. Although both men are deceased, their research and work present factors and elements which succinctly and comprehensively shed light upon the world of mind and people control. Whether intentional or inadvertent, the devastating results are the same!
Dr. Rokeach explains that the mind of a person susceptible to cult influence will be affected in three regions. In light of such a tumultuous history that has been often craftily manipulated by those in trust, it is an easy leap towards understanding what is happening and how to effectively find solutions.
The first and central region is that which encompasses the individual’s basic primitive outlook on the world of which he lives, and asks such questions as “Is the world a threatening place or is it an accepting place? Although the plight of black America is a complicated matter with enough blame for many to share, it seems to be most convenient and beneficial for a majority of blacks to perceive that white America is the root cause of their plight. Pastor Wright’s message of anti-Americanism is rooted in this racial hatred as many are taught that this anti-blackism manifests in this entire system because the majority of whites control it. Honest dialogue will admit that there are whites who hate blacks with uncompromising irrationality, and this partial truth forms the foundation for the general disparagement of all whites being typical racists.
Though often false today in light of today’s progress in racial opportunity, there could be enough truth in it to make the entire message an easy sell. If one would multiply this ideology by tens of thousands of pulpits at least once per week, then it is no stretch to understand that Wright is not the only black preacher convincing congregants that they are victims.
The belief that whites created the AIDS virus as an instrument of genocide, drugs given to bolster a black prison population and other cultural maladies are readily placed upon the shoulders of whites in general in spite of overwhelming evidence indicting those very liberal policies they embrace!
The second or intermediate region of the mind lies within the matter of authority—whose authority is a person willing to accept in matters pertaining to the functions of life? In terms of the church, this is a sacred trust that cannot ever be violated. The preacher’s role is to work to build a trust between the people and God, not the people and himself. Without the focus truly being on the word of God, the people can easily become attached to the one who best exercises real authority over their lives. When this occurs, the preacher or charismatic leader can say practically anything, and the devout followers will believe because he is supposed to be the one overseeing the spiritual matters of the church as well as the general well-being of its members. He has the ability to shape their world view by painting a picture of constant danger and hostility being perpetrated against the congregants as black people, while offering conspiracy theories ranging from evidentially-circumstantial to the outright absurd!
The third region relates to the circumstances and details which add up to one’s structure of living. Who or what influences one’s way of life for the better or for the worse? It is obvious that Rev. Wright as well as others like Louis Farrakan, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and literally thousands of black pastors across America use the power of the pulpit to convince congregants that it is racist white America that is the cause of their troubles. History tells us of the black experience of progress and opportunity in spite of opposition, but selective history has created a culture of futility and animosity.
When a charismatic leader’s message is able to effectively control and manipulate these three regions of the individual’s mind, he will certainly influence their beliefs and patterns of thought. It becomes a greater threat in the faith-based culture because he can interject ideas and messages of hope and deliverance based upon things not seen, or to be realized in a futuristic day of judgment—off-shoots from established conventional record and tradition.
In addition to what has been presented through the work of Dr. Rokeach, Dr. Walter Martin’s research identifies four recognizable characteristics in those who live quite possibly under cult influence.
The first characteristic is a form of closed-mindedness in which the cult mentality is not interested in a rational cognitive evaluation of the facts. Critical decisions pertaining to the individual’s world view are derived through an emotional process instead of simple reasoning. Negative cultural indicators such as black-on-black crime, illegitimate births, below-standard academic achievement, and high incarceration rates are not linked to personal responsibility, but are based upon conspiracy theories, distrust and paranoia. The closed mind is the perfect vessel for the errant preacher to pour his own psychoses, bad judgments and personal agendas based upon wealth, influence and power.
The second issue is genuine antagonism at a personal level. This is because the cultist identifies the message with the messenger, and if the authoritative voice successfully convinces the believer that the message is detrimental, then anything and anyone outside of that cult’s environment is viewed as the enemy. White America is the embodiment of evil and in many African American church congregations, a skilled pastor readily preaches a gospel contaminated with the Lord’s vengeance upon the white oppressors. Words like conservative and Republican are now synonymous with the Ku Klux Klan, and those associated are generally viewed as the enemy. As illustrated in many of Rev. Wright’s sermons, the preacher stirs up the anger and clamor of the victim experience, and then feeds off of the dynamic energy released from the critical mass of the emotional explosion.
Thirdly, the system will reflect a type of institutional dogmatism that bears a pronounced intolerance for any position but its own. Apparently, the need to belong to the system outweighs the innate desire to express free-will thought and in many cases, actions. The traditions, rules and customs form a significant part of the doctrine, usually given credence through the authority’s interpretation of the group’s holy writ. Whatever is done collectively is viewed as the best for black people with chronic intolerance of different or opposing views intertwined throughout the culture. To be a true black person according to the race-cult thought process, one must accept what the ruling intelligentsia determines is the policy. Even one who dares to quietly oppose the conventional wisdom of the leadership class is ostracized, and anyone who openly does so is publicly flogged by the whip of the tongue through name-calling and personal denigration. Labels such as race traitor, sell out, Uncle Tom, Oreo, token and other derogatory tags are placed upon the dissenter, and the extent of the punishment normally includes ostracism and public humiliation. This is the race-cult enforcement portion of the mindset.
The fourth and final element characterized by the race-cult mentality, as with any cult system is isolation. If nothing else, the messages of this group of black preachers serve as the perfect instrument for keeping many blacks isolated from full participation in the American experience. The idea of having an eternal white enemy produces a paranoia that causes nearly the entire group to live in constant distrust, suspicion and fear of whites and other groups while firmly believing that only black unity will produce the best outcomes for blacks in America. Bill Cosby was castigated for “exposing the black community’s dirty laundry” because he began to challenge black parents and youth to become accountable for their actions and to live up to their responsibilities.
Because a significant part of the black church experience has dwelt in isolation, many people in America are shocked to hear of such messages like Rev. Wright’s. Even ministers who support him seek to pass his behavior off as something unique to the African American community that outsiders will not and cannot understand. The conclusion to this discussion strongly suggests that this system has done very little to uplift the people it is supposed to benefit. In fact, as one considers the plight of the African American people, much can be certainly placed at the feet of the preacher! It seems evident that he is more concerned with his control over the masses than their freedoms! The seven elements presented using the cult system models of Drs. Rokeach and Martin suggest that this religious system is ominous and detrimental instead of wholesome and beneficial. Some liken it to a modern-day plantation, where the beneficiaries are those who are politically connected to the party they support without question practically 90% of the time. Others see it as a marriage between the church and Marxist ideology. Whatever the case might be, the black church itself may be in need of a change!

A Black Man's Declaration of Independence

By Rev. Dr. M. L. Johnson
(Modeled after our United States Declaration of Independence)

When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for a person to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God has entitled him, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel him to the separation.
I still hold these truths to be
self-evident, that I, like all men are created equal, that we are endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
That to exercise these rights, Political Groups are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the
consent of the constituents, That whenever any Form of Political Group becomes destructive of these ends, it is the My Right to alter or to remove from it, and to join or establish new political bands of my own choosing, if I choose to do so, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect my Safety and Happiness. Principles, indeed, will dictate that Political Platforms long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind is more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is my right, it is my duty, to throw off such Political Bands, and to provide new Guards for my future security.
Such has been the patient sufferance of my People; and such is now the necessity which constrains me to alter my former Political Loyalties and Devotions. The history of
the present National Democratic Party is a history of repeated injuries, deceptions and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over our Communities, Cities and States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world.

  • It has worked to overthrow, thwart and detour the progress and advancement of people of color declared free by the Emancipation Proclamation with a history of reverse legislation, political machinations, and blatant deprivations ranging from total alienation, social apartheid to unbridled acts of legalized terrorism.

  • It has presided over the genocide of over thirty per cent of the current black population in the land, by serving as the support system of destruction for millions of unborn black babies with an additional urgency to control the black population around the world through similar tactics.

  • It has made merchandise of the weak and the poor, shackling them into the links of bondage that has formed chains of human misery stretching from the obscure rural abodes to the hollowed-out inner-city disaster areas with no chance of escape, while for themselves instituting self-serving, job-producing programs for the carrion to feed off of the living flesh of those enslaved.

  • It has created and forced upon the masses a public education system modeled after a process foreign and alien to our beliefs, designed more to produce a controlled population rather than academic success; resulting is failure for our black youth who graduate from there to prison at rates disproportionate to occurrences other racial groups.

  • It has cunningly sought and successfully purchased the unfailing devotion of a class of political black co-conspirators who supposedly represent the black race, but has only served to maintain black unity in the form of obedience and compliance to systems, ideologies and programs detrimental to free expression and the acquisition of our said unalienable rights.

  • It has promoted disunity amongst us, rewarding the name-callers and the race-baiters for their attacks upon free-thinking dissenters, conducting public high-tech lynchings to discourage opposition to their causes.

  • It has adopted and instituted throughout our cultures a belief system that denies the existence of God and the inferiority of men amongst men—a system that promulgates the notion that nature has no God, and all things exist through the final rule of impossibility, even in defiance of the laws of probability.

  • It has made it acceptable in the face of a moral people that man can lie with man as with a woman, and has begun to recondition the minds of our younger generations to accept perversion as a normality.

  • It has established a system that has established an unyielding class of dependency that deprives a man of his right to prosperity by working to add the burden of excessive taxation upon his productivity, and redistribute it to those who may not be industrious or even desirous to earn a living for themselves, in the name of fairness and justice.

  • It has used the history of the suffering of black people as a commodity to form alliances and use as leverages with groups and organizations that do not serve in the best interests of black people.

In every stage of these Oppressions I have sought to be heard in the most humble terms: my repeated Petitions have been answered only by repeated injury. An Organization, whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a Manipulative Deceiver, is unfit to be the representative of a free people.

Nor have I been wanting in attentions to my complicit African American brethren. I have warned them from time to time of attempts by their manipulative efforts to extend an unwarrantable, Marxist jurisdiction over me. I have reminded them of the circumstances of our involuntary importation and subsequent settlement here. I have appealed to their native justice and magnanimity, and have conjured them by the ties of our common kindred and ancestry to disavow these usurpations, which, would inevitably interrupt our connections and correspondence. They too have been deaf to the voice of justice and of
consanguinity. I must, therefore, acquiesce in the necessity, which denounces our Separation, and hold them, as we hold the rest of mankind, Enemies in War, in Peace Friends.

I, therefore, a natural born Citizen of the United States of America, a Born-Again Believer in my savior and Lord Jesus Christ, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of my intentions, do, in the Name, and by Authority God Almighty, solemnly publish and declare, That I as a free-willed being, and of Right ought to be a Free and Independent agent; that I am Absolved from all Allegiance to the Democratic Party and that all political connection between me and the Political Affiliation, is and ought to be totally dissolved; and that as Free and Independent Agent, I have full Power to lay full claim to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness , and to do all other Acts and Things which Independent Persons may of right do. And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, I solemnly pledge to all who join with me, to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor in the further pursuit of freedom for all peoples as our great and wonderful God has purposed.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Barak the Marxist

Presidential candidate Barak Obama's view of Jesus' Sermon on the Mount is understandable. Like most Marxists, he uses the cloak of Christianity to portray himself as morally superior to those who disagree with same-sex marriages. It is not the power of God he ultimately adores... its the power of the federal government and its ability to force everyone into compliance.